Monday, October 17, 2011

Wienerschnitzels just want to be loved

Does this schnitzel look like it was loved? It does not. It looks like the chef found someone much better to while away his Sunday afternoon with. He also seems to have run out of potatoes while the schnitzel was left stewing.

Wienerschnitzels live a difficult life growing only above 15,000 meters in the Tyrolean Alps, and all they want is to be given a warm and affectionate home in somebody's fryer before the Alpine winter sets in and a wild Tafelspitz devours it.

Also, a Hungarian korsó is 500 milliliters, not 400 milliliters, and ever shall remain so. Are you trying to fool me or can your dishwasher not handle regular glasses? And since the barman is slow with the tap, I'll have to order my second beer right when I get the first, won't I? Not good.

6.5 points to Náncsi Néni. Plus points: everybody else's food looked good and it's kind of thrilling to eat under a 100-foot oak raining acorns on the table at pellet gun velocities. Minus points: Feeble feng shui. Requires underground tunnel system so screaming children can transit directly between their parents and the jungle gym fixture in the corner without encroaching on my table area.

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